Purpose and Scope

This wiki page is the template Service Definition of SWAMID

Swedish template Service Definition

SWAMID template Service Defintion is written in Swedish since the implementing organisations are Swedish legal entities.

Some reading help:

Generell beskrivning av SAML2 WebSSO

Tjänsten innefattar autentisiering av användare som har en elektronisk identitet på [Högskola], samt attributöverföring gällande den autentisierade användaren. Tjänsteutgivaren/högskolan är medlem i SWAMID, den svenska identitetsfederationen för forskning och högre utbildning. Tjänsten är uppsatt i enlighet med SWAMIDs policy och övriga regler och riktlinjer som fastställts av SWAMID.



Privacy policy - Se Mikael Linden samt CoC exempel - max 1 sida

AUP - Användarregler - egen template: SWAMID template Acceptable Use Policy

Service Definition - ? - max 2 sidor


AL1_CO_NUI#010 General Service Definition

350 Make available to the intended user community a Service Definition that includes all

351 applicable Terms, Conditions, and Fees, including any limitations of its usage. Specific

352 provisions are stated in further criteria in this section.

353 Guidance: The intended user community encompasses potential and actual Subscribers,

354 Subjects, and relying parties.

355 AL1_CO_NUI#020 Service Definition inclusions

356 Make available a Service Definition for the specified service containing clauses that

357 provide the following information:

358 a) a Privacy Policy



4.2.5 Each member organisation MUST publish the identity provider Service Definition. The Service Definition MUST at least include: