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Privacy policy - Se Mikael Linden samt CoC exempel - max 1 sida

AUP - Användarregler - egen template: SWAMID template Acceptable Use Policy

Service Definition - ? - max 2 sidor


AL1_CO_NUI#010 General Service Definition

350 Make available to the intended user community a Service Definition that includes all

351 applicable Terms, Conditions, and Fees, including any limitations of its usage. Specific

352 provisions are stated in further criteria in this section.

353 Guidance: The intended user community encompasses potential and actual Subscribers,

354 Subjects, and relying parties.

355 AL1_CO_NUI#020 Service Definition inclusions

356 Make available a Service Definition for the specified service containing clauses that

357 provide the following information:

358 a) a Privacy Policy



4.2.5 Each member organisation MUST publish the identity provider Service Definition. The Service Definition MUST at least include: