Service Documentation (Public)

Change process:

  1. Open ticket/set ticket to "in progress"

    1. If template change: Update template in lab first, test and then go to prod
    2. If settings change: Update settings in prod instance
  2. Dry run, if change might have a big impact implement on just a single device first or ask a colleague to verify diff as well
  3. Notify NOC if something might break
  4. Live run
  5. Check monitoring
  6. Update/close ticket

Firmware upgrade process:

  1. Open ticket/set ticket to "in progress"
  2. Verify in lab and document expected downtimes
  3. Upgrade isolated building/location first, wait 1 day
  4. Upgrade first half/partition of network
  5. Upgrade second half/partition of network
  6. Check monitoring
  7. Update/close ticket

Replace access switch:

  1. Save any special interface configs: curl -ks -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_AUTH_TOKEN" ${CNAASURL}/api/v1.0/device/currentswitch/interfaces > migrate-received.json
  2. Remove device from NMS (use factory default if the switch is still online to clear the config)
  3. ZTP new switch (with same name)
  4. Re-apply any interface configs, download ( compatible with nms v1.x to convert output json to input json )
    1. python3 < migrate-received.json > migrate-send.json
    2. curl ks -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_AUTH_TOKEN" ${CNAASURL}/api/v1.0/device/newswitch/interfaces -X PUT -d migrate-send.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  5. Sync config to switch
  6. Update serial etc in NI?
  7. Update monitoring etc if management IP changed

Replace access switch that is part of MLAG pair:

  1. Same as access, save interface configs and remove device.
  2. To be able to ZTP new device: set downlink on connected dist to redundant_link: false and sync it, shut down MLAG peer interfaces on the working switch, then do ZTP of new switch with same name as replaced switch
  3. Import interfaces from step 1 (same as access switch)
  4. Manually add back linknets between existing MLAG switch and new MLAG switch via API POST to /linknets with JSON payload: {"device_a": "a3", "device_b": "a4", "device_a_port": "Ethernet25", "device_b_port": "Ethernet51"}
  5. Sync the working MLAG peer switch, it should re-enable MLAG peer interfaces that was shutdown previously
  6. Sync the newly provisioned MLAG switch, it should add the mlag configuration
  7. Remove redundant_link: false from connected dist switch again (from step 2)
  8. Sync uplink dist switches

Replace dist switch (in core/dist configuration) via ZTP:

  1. Update mgmtdomain so it does not reference the switch you want to replace, instead set both device_a_id and device_b_id to the id of the device in the pair that you are not going to replace: curl ks -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT_AUTH_TOKEN" ${CNAASURL}/api/v1.0/mgmtdomain/1 -X PUT -d '{"device_b_id": 8}'
  2. Delete the switch you want to replace with the API, factory_reset: false since it's not supported on DIST devices.
  3. Re-sync all core switches so they remove linknet config and add ZTP vlans
  4. Physically replace the switch and wait for the new switch to show up in DISCOVERED state
  5. Init the switch with the exact same hostname (so that git settings will be applied)
  6. Update the mgmtdomain so it references both switches in the pair again (revert of step 1)
  7. Update serial etc in NI?
  8. Update monitoring etc if management IP changed

Replace switch via console-paste:

  1. Power on replacement-switch in lab-rack or similar with console access
  2. Connect via console and do "zerotouch cancel" if needed
  3. Copy configuration from old switch from NMS WebUI Devices → Click on device → Actions menu → Copy generated config
  4. Paste config to replacement switch, if it already has some previous config do configure session → rollback clean-config before pasting new config (paste with delay between lines or paste in chunks if configuration is not applied correctly)
  5. wr config
  6. Physically replace switch
  7. Sync device from NMS WebUI
  8. Update facts from NMS WebUI, update serial in NI etc
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