Backup: Nyhet: 

  • Office 365 Backup av Exchange och OneDrive.
    • Backup av Sharepoint kommer i 2020
  • Backup av Hyper-V/vmware mht Spectrum protect plus (licenser ingår i BaaS tjänsten)

Spectrum Protect plus

Use Spectrum Protect Plus(SPP) to protect containers and Office 365 mail, calendars and onedrive

Use SPP to backup and restore Virtual machines in  VmWare. Agnet less database backups of

MySQl , Mongo, SQL, DB and Oracle + Exchnage.

  • Hyper modern
    • Run anywhere, combine different Server  and backup strategies, you decide.
  • Best of breed security, built in encryption from day 1.
    • IBM reports and acts on the latest security research
  • Rest API support
    • Automate, integrate
  • Inline deduplication and Compression
    • Disk is SLOW, less data to read and write is faster
  • HA
    • Replication, node failover. DB2 hadr

Nyheter som snart kommer i SUNET Compute

  • Ny hardware med AMD EPYC processorer
  • Nye flavours med upp till 1TB RAM
  • Nye flavours med lokal NVME-disk
  • GPU-baserade noder (på ritbordet, kontakta gärna om du har behov)

Managed instances

  • Managed Service for Windows Server
  • Processer för övervakning och underhåll
  • Nye windows-specifika flavours
  • Windows cloud images

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