
Since 2025-03-12 is checking that the returnurl is part of one of the DiscoveryResponse in SP metadata.

If you see a box with "Unable to verify returning website" the URL:s ar not matching more info SeamlessAccess webpage.

How to fix the problem ?

Shibboleth SP

  1. Download new metadata from https://<sp>/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata
  2. Import into  
  3. "Merge from published"
  4. "Request publication"


  1. Fetch backend.xml
    1. If you are running you copy from /etc/satosa/metadata/backend.xml
    2. Others will have to run satosa-saml-metadata proxy_conf.yaml ${DATA_DIR}/metadata.key ${DATA_DIR}/metadata.crt --dir /tmp and then fetch /tmp/backend.xml
  2. Import into 
  3. "Merge from published"
  4. "Request publication"

Manually edit in

If you can't get hold of the metadata or metadata doesn't contain  DiscoveryResponse you kan always manually add it in

Find out what URL to add

  1. Run a loginflow via
  2. Check the URL. Should look like ""
  3. Copy the return parameter ( in this case)
  4. URLdecode (gets
  5. Some SP:s like Shibboleth add uniq info at the end after a ?, remove that to get the base of DiscoveryResponse (gets
  6. Copy this URL

Standard URL:s

The following URL:s ar the default we have found for different softwares. Use them as suggestions / to verify the URL you got above

  • Shibboleth - https://<sp>/Shibboleth.sso/Login
  • Satosa - https://<sp>/Saml2SP/disco
  • SimpleSAMLphp - https://<sp>/simplesaml/module.php/saml/sp/discoresp.php
  • Canvas - https://<sp>/login/saml

Update SP

  1. Login to
  2. Create a Draft from your SP
  3. Click on the pen besides DiscoveryResponse
  4. "Add Index"
  5. Add the URL
  6. "Request publication"

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