1. Terminology and Typographical Conventions

    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT","SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.
    Text in Italics is non-normative. All other text is normative unless otherwise stated.
    All normative parts of the profile is governed by the SWAMID Board of Trustees.
    The non-normative (guidance) is maintained by the SWAMID operations team.

    1. Definition of terminology

      Home Organisation: The SWAMID Member Organisation with which a Subject is affiliated, operating the Identity Provider by itself or through a third party.

      Member Organisation: Used in this document as a synonym for Home Organisation

      Subject: any natural person affiliated with a Home Organisation, e.g. as a teacher, researcher, staff or student.

      Identity Provider (IdP): The system component that issues Attribute assertions on behalf of Subjects who use them to access the services of Relying Party.

      Relying Party (RP): A Service that relies upon a Subject’s credentials, typically to process a transaction or grant access to information or a system. Also called a Service Provider (SP). 

      Second factor: A Single-Factor that is used in addition to a memorised secret, e.g. a password, to create a Multi-Factor login.

      Full multi-factor: A Multi-Factor that in itself uses more than on authentication factor type, e.g. a smart card, to create a Multi-Factor login.

2. Purpose, Scope and Summary 

This document defines how a SWAMID member organisation SHOULD implement a multi-factor authentication solution in order to be certified by SWAMID for of multi-factor authentication in a federated environment.

This multi-factor profile is an extension to REFEDS MFA Profile (https://refeds.org/profile/mfa), applicable for Swedish Higher Education.

3. Syntax

The member organisation's Identity Provider is tagged in the SWAMID federation metadata with the assurance certification attribute: http://www.swamid.se/policy/authentication/refeds-mfa

In accordance with REFEDS MFA Profile: 

In a SAML assertion, compliance is communicated by asserting the AuthnContextClassRef: https://refeds.org/profile/mfa

4. Compliance and Audit

The Member organisation MUST be certified for SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 2 Profile.

Only subjects currently at SWAMID Identity Assurance Level 2 are allowed to authenticate themselves according to this Profile.

The Member organisation MUST document valid parts regarding muti factor in the Identity Management Practice Statement and submit the Identity Management Practice Statement for approval by SWAMID Board of Trustees.

5. Criteria

The Member organisation MUST perform a successful technical validation of their Identity Provider in the official SWAMID multi-factor validation service.

Guidance: The validation service is located at https://mfa-check.swamid.se

Original criteria repeated  from REFEDS MFA Profile for convenience 

By asserting the URI shown above (note: https://refeds.org/profile/mfa), an Identity Provider claims that: