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Course management
Course Template |
| Course Offering |
| Course Section |
| Section Association |
Label |
| Label |
| Label |
| Label |
Title |
| Title |
| Title |
| Title |
CatalogDescription |
| ParentTemplateId |
| ParentOfferingId |
| Status |
CourseNumber |
| CatalogDescription |
| CatalogDescription |
| CourseSectionList | CourseSectionID |
Status |
| Status |
| Status |
| DataSource |
DefaultCredits |
| DefaultCredits |
| DefaultCredits |
Org | OrgName |
| AcademicSession |
| Category |
| OrgUnit |
| Org | OrgName |
| MaxNumberOfStudents |
| Type |
| OrgUnit |
| NumberOfStudents |
| Id |
| Type |
| AcademicSession |
ListOfTopics | Topic |
| Id |
| Org | OrgName |
ListOfPrerequisites | Prerequisite |
| TimeFrame | Begin |
| OrgUnit |
DataSource |
| End |
| Type |
| Restrict |
| Id |
| AdminPeriod |
| TimeFrame | Begin |
| EnrollControl | EnrollAccept |
| End |
| EnrollAllowed |
| Restrict |
| DataSource |
| AdminPeriod |
| EnrollControl | EnrollAccept |
| EnrollAllowed |
| Location |
| Notes |
| Meeting |
Person management
Person |
Formname | FormnameType |
| FormattedName |
Name | NameType |
| partName |
Address | AddressType |
| AddressPart |
Contactinfo |
Demographics | DemographicsType |
| Representation |
| EventDate |
| Gender |
| DemographicInfo |
Agent | AgentType |
| AgentId |
| AgentDomain |
| Description |
Roles | EnterpriserolesType |
| SystemRole |
| InstitutionRole |
| UserId | UserIdValue |
| UserIdType |
| Password |
| PwEncryptionType |
| AuthenticationType |
Enrollment |
DataSource |