Test tools
Tester and show Show what attributes an IdP releases to sp.swamid.se: https://sp.swamid.se/secure/
To get access to the log-files at sp.swamid.se please send your eppn to operations@swamid.se
Show what attributes an IdP releases to sp.swamid.se: https://sp.swamid.se/secure/
Test eduGAIN attribute release best practice for entity categories in Identity Providers: https://release-check.edugain.org/
- REFEDS R&S Test should give verdict A+
- GEANT Data Protection Code of Conduct Test should give verdict A+
- No Entity Category Test should give the answer "IdP sends basic information while some required information is missing"
Test the old SWAMID best practice Identiy Provider support for Tester of appliance to entity categories for Identity Providers: https://samltest.swamid.se/Tester of
- Test if Identity Provider technically fulfills the requirements for REFEDS SIRTFI and if the entity category REFEDS R&S is fullfilled: https://sirtfi-check.swamid.se
- Test reauthentication using ForceAuthN and authncontextclassref PasswordProtectedTransport: https://www.mit.ladok.se/forceauthn-test/
- Test reauthentication using ForceAuthN and authncontextclassref for REFEDS MFA: https://mfa-check.swamid.se
Test with the Shibboleth Identity Provider built in script aacli (/opt/shibboleth-idp/bin):
./aacli.sh -u https://fqdn.av.idp/idp -n <användarnamn> -r <entityID av tjänsten du vill testa mot>