hostname eosdist1
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret abc123abc123
vrf instance MGMT
interface Ethernet1
no switchport
vrf MGMT
ip address
no lldp transmit
no lldp receive
interface Ethernet2
description DOWNLINK
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 3 mode active
interface Port-Channel3
description DOWNLINK
switchport mode trunk
port-channel lacp fallback individual
port-channel lacp fallback timeout 3
interface Loopback1
vrf MGMT
ip address
interface Vlan1
description ZTP DHCP
vrf MGMT
ip address
ip helper-address
ip routing vrf MGMT
management api http-commands
no shutdown
vrf MGMT
no shutdown
Note: Don't forget to save configuration with write
The Adapter1/NIC1 in Virtualbox should correspond to the interface called Management1 inside the VM. Adapter2 should be Ethernet1 in the VM, Adapter3 should be Ethernet2 in the VM and so on.